My Prayer
Dear Abba Father,
Please make me the best wife, homemaker, mama, me, I can be. Mold me and make me into your image daily. Give me a quiet and meek spirit. Teach me to love like you love and to forgive like you do. Open my heart to what you have in store for me and my family each and everyday. Show me how to show others You're amazing unconditional love and continue to manifest this heart of mine that wants to reach out to young little babes who are hurting inside from lack of love. Create in my a nurturing spirit. May I be open to Your peace and joy always, Oh Lord. Take control God, lead me, I surrender my utmost all.
Love Always,
Your Daughter Victoria
My Grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in your weakness.
(2 Corinthians 12:9)